One that didn't get off to a great start. With all official videos barred to me, I suspected the version I'd found was a re-recording or something. However, comparison with clips from the album suggest that this is indeed the official version, it just sounds that bad. By 1987 I knew what punks were, and I think I might already have worked out that Billy Idol wasn't really one. I sort of remembered him as a metaller, albeit with hindsight a rather contrived one. Nowadays he doesn't even sound like that so much as some kind of watered-down synth-pop act. In fairness, the version of 'Mony Mony' that ultimately became a hit was a remix of his 1981 solo debut (the song itself of course goes back further still) but everything else I listened to him sounded much the same in style.
Wikipedia suggests that this single became controversial because you could sing rude words along to it - but can't you do that to any song ever written. I was more attracted by the fact that the backing vocals sound like they're singing "I feel like a pony", which will amuse those readers who are familiar with Cockney rhyming slang. If I want to be generous, I can say that this makes less claim than 'Crazy Crazy Nights' to be anything it isn't but otherwise it's a product of its time.
Also appearing on: Now 11
Available on: Vital Idol
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