Another important populariser of rap and perhaps a more likeable one than Vanilla Ice, although there's still something a bit odd about the fact that he's rapping over the beat of 'When Doves Cry' (the first time Prince gave clearance for a sample apparently, and the first time he managed to appear on a UK Now album) about God. Even more remarkable, though I didn't realise it at the time, is that the chorus is borrowed from 'We Care A Lot' by Faith No More, whose very name would seem to mark them out as unlikely source material for gospel music. And yet, whilst it's possibly a mistake to put the verse about how prayer made him a star before the one about how it helps suffering children, something in his enthusiasm and sincerity oddly wins you over as the track progresses. It'd be an easy song to sneer at but I strangely don't really want to.
Available on: U Can't Touch This - The Collection
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