As if to split the difference between the preceding two tracks, 'Looking For Love' is a genuine 1998 release, but a cover version of a relatively obscure Everything But The Girl original which peaked at 72 in 1993. So, full marks to whoever's idea it was to take a lost song and make it into a big hit.
I can't really be too enthusiastic about the record itself, which bored me deeply during its eight weeks in the Top 40 (that was a lot by 1998 standards!) and it's no more impressive now. It knocks 'Viva Forever' into a cocked hat as a showcase of bland late-1990s production (More twiddly guitars! Whoosing noises! Endlessly echoing backing vocals) and the whole thing seems to have had a personality bypass. Whatever you think about Tracy Thorn's delivery on the original, it's a distinctive voice and it doesn't sound scared of anything interesting happening.
Available on: Dave Pearce The Dance Years 1998
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