Well, there's no forgetting this one. Back when we first got cable TV and were able to watch phone-in video-request network The Box, this one seemed to crop up a lot, even though this was the time of the first release when it missed the Top 50. Perhaps people weren't requesting it for purely musical reasons, Andre's six-pack stomach apparently being a major attraction to some elements of the audience. My other great memory is my brother and I laughing at the intro that sounded like "Peter Andre, down with Bubbler Ranx and Simon Mayo": actually, it turns out not to sound much like that at all, but we laughed.
Anyway, back to the story. 'Mysterious Girl' was rereleased after Andre had cracked the Top 20 with 'Only One', and went on to become one of the big hits of Summer 1996, narrowly missing out on Number One and hanging around so long the record company ultimately deleted it to help out the follow-up. None of this should distract us from the fact that it's an awful record, a flimsy reggae-RnB hybrid full of lyric touches so lazy they're sometimes incomprehensible ("The tropical scent of you"?). It's typical for what it is, of course, but the fact that it hasn't been allowed to go away is frustrating. And, as I later discovered, Peter Andre is from my hometown, though he was at least raised on the other side of the world.
This track also appears on: Now 57
Peter Andre also appears on: Now 35, 36, 28, 40
Available on: Natural
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