You wouldn't know it just from the video but this, his last major hit with new material, comes from the Disney film of Tarzan - the only concession the vid makes to its cinematic origins is in the scenes where Phil is singing in a cinema seat (it's unclear why none of his fellow patrons tell him to shut up!). In fact, apart from some of the special effects there's precious little evidence that this isn't from his 80s pomp: to my eyes at least he looked much older in those days than he actually was, so I suppose the advantage is that you don't look much different fifteen years on. There's even a scene where they shine a red light on him so he looks like a baked bean, just as he did on the cover of No Jacket Required!
I decided actually watching the film was beyond the call of duty, but apparently it's sung by a gorilla there. Hmm... a gorilla performing the music of Phil Collins... there may be something in that idea. Anyway, it packs in the most of the necessary cliches about always being there for somebody, other people not understanding, etc. But the music fails to pack the necessary punch, which may be part of the reason I have no memory at all of ever hearing it before. And indeed, is why I probably never will again.
Also appearing on: Now 1, 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 27, 41, 68.
Available on: Love Songs: A Compilation... Old and New
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